3 Legged Buck

Any whitetail deer hunter knows how tough deer can be from wounds, to all other types of injuries. Now I have witnessed a 3 legged deer a few years ago on a trail camera photo but his fourth leg had been broken from most likely an automobile hit and was bent up under his body. Last week, I got photos of a buck that has his leg completely missing. You can see the stub where it is supposed to be. Now the debate is whether he was born that way, or did it fall off due to some type of injury? I am guessing that he was born that way since the stub is clean looking. Kind of like what you would see from other of God’s creatures that were born without a limb. I have a video below of the multiple trail camera photos I got to show you that he has really good movement on 3 legs. I have not seen him in the woods but I would bet anyone if you saw 2 deer running and one was him and the other had 4 legs, you would not be able to tell which one had the impairment. You never know what you are going to get on a trail camera.


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