Posts Tagged ‘trail camera’

Examples of Fishing for Whitetail Bucks

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Back on July 20th, I published an article about one of my trail camera techniques that I use called Fishing for Whitetail Bucks. Here are two examples using this technique.

1. The first example involves two mature bucks that we have on our leased property. We got pictures of these deer back in May when we started putting our cameras out and when they started growing their antlers. After a few months of running our cameras and evaluating the photos, we have determined these deer’s summer home range. They are feeding on our planted soybeans, field peas, sunflowers, and corn. They are also visiting 2 of our feeders. Shown below are pictures of these different locations with an aerial photo showing the different cameras. Hopefully, these deer will not change their pattern too much before bow season. You never know! It seems that once they rub their velvet off, they go crazy with their movements.


2. The second example involves identifying breeder does. I do this by paying attention to does that have their fawns first and also have twin or more fawns. The picture below is what I call a breeder doe and I have been watching her for 3 years.


I hope these examples prove my technique does work. Good luck!